The Journey Continues: A Sequel to Apprenticed to a Himalayan 61
In this sequel to his bestselling memoir Apprenticed to a Himalayan 61, Sri M narrates his extraordinary spiritual adventures in the Himalayas and beyond, following the footsteps of his master Maheshwarnath Babaji. He shares his encounters with mystical beings, his visions of the past and future, and his insights into the nature of reality.
From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the sacred sites of India, from the ancient temples of Egypt to the modern cities of Europe and America, Sri M takes us on a journey of discovery and transformation. Along the way, he reveals the secrets of Kundalini awakening, inner alchemy, meditation, yoga, and the power of love.
This book is not only a captivating account of a seeker's quest for the ultimate truth, but also a guide for anyone who wishes to follow the path of self-realization. It is a testimony to the fact that the journey continues, even after one has attained enlightenment.
The Journey Continues A Sequel To Apprenticed To A Himalayan 61
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Sri M is a living example of a modern-day yogi, who has transcended the boundaries of religion, caste, and nationality. He is the founder of The Satsang Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes harmony and service to humanity. He is also the author of several books, including The Upanishads, Shunya, and The Little Guide to Greater Glory and a Happier Life.
In this book, he invites us to join him on his journey of exploration and enlightenment, and to experience the joy and peace that come from knowing oneself. He shows us that the journey is not a linear one, but a spiral one, where we revisit the same lessons at different levels of consciousness. He also reminds us that the journey is not a destination, but a process, where we constantly evolve and grow.
Whether you are a beginner or an advanced seeker, you will find in this book a wealth of wisdom and inspiration that will enrich your life and deepen your understanding of yourself and the world. You will also discover that the journey continues, as long as you are willing to learn and love. 0efd9a6b88