Surely when it comes to the god Odin or the god Thor, anyone who loves myths knows. These are the most powerful famous gods, no stranger in Norse mythology. It is handed down through the pages of history books, not only that, but these gods are also featured in fiction films that are shown in theaters today. These films are always popular and bring high revenue to film producers.
So that's how the Norse gods were born, how strong are they, let's follow the article below to know more information about these Norse gods.
1. God Odin – One of the gods who created the world
1.1. Birth of the god Odin
According to Norse mythological records, once upon a time the Skull hoodies world was just a realm of nothingness, with neither heaven nor earth. At that time, the combination of fire and ice created a giant Yimir and an Audhumia bull.
The giant Yimir used the milk of the cow Audhumia to survive and grow, after which Yimir created the line of giants. At the same time, when the bull Audhumia licked the ice, a figure appeared that was Buri. Buri lived and grew up married to a giant girl of Yimir, then gave birth to Bor. When he grew up, Bor married the giant Bestla and gave birth to Odin. This is how our god Odin was born.
1.2. The power of the god Odin
According to legend as well as in the movie, the god Odin was a large man, but lost an eye because he exchanged the eye for his uncle Mimir for wisdom. He has an extremely gentle voice, soft, good transmission ability, so it is easy to convince people to follow his words.
God Odin has a special ability that is to see the future and the past of others, so it is difficult for anyone to lie to him. In recorded legend, the god Odin is the representative of victory, happiness and wisdom among all the Norse gods.
1.3. The god Odin is the god who created the world
When growing up, realizing the expansion and cruelty of the Jotun tribe - Yimir's ancestor created, Odin, along with Vili and ticks, devised a plan and planned to kill Yimir, drive out the giants and create the Nine gender.
After the victory, they together built the peaceful Midgard land, created a large protective wall separating the giants and created humans from here. Humans were created by these gods as follows: God Odin created a son from the ash tree, created a daughter from the lure tree and gave them life; the god Vill gave them will, wisdom and desire; Ve gave them form and senses. From here man was born, and god Odin is likened to the common Father of gods and humans today.
1.4. Odin's death
According to the history books as well as the film shown, the god Odin was killed by the wolf Fenrir, specifically: The wolf Fenrir is the son of Loki, according to legend, the gods summoned that wolf to Asgard as a donkey. and chained it, but unfortunately the god Tyr lost a hand because it bit off. During the apocalyptic battle of Ragnarok, the wolf broke free of the god's chains and joined Loki in killing Odin.

2. God Thor – The Strongest God Asgard
2.1. The Birth of the God Thor
According to the legend recorded in the history books, the god Thor was born and was the son of the god Odin and the earth goddess Jord.
2.2. Thor's Power
According to legend, the god Thor is the most powerful god of Asgard. God Thor is the god representing thunder and storms, he has the power to protect the gods and humans, but the god Thor has a viking clothings weakness that is hot-tempered and easily tricked by the giants.
2.3. Thor's Treasure
God Thor has 3 treasures that are the lightning hammer Mjollnir, the power belt and the iron gloves, these treasures help to increase the power of the god Thor.
2.4. Thor's Death
Thor has many enemies, but the main one is Loki's son - the giant snake Jörmungandr. During the Ragnarok apocalypse, Thor was poisoned by this snake and died.
3. God Balder
3.1. Birth of the god Balder
According to the legend recorded in the history books, the god Balder was born to his father, the human Odin and his mother Figg.
3.2. The Power of God Balder
According to the legend recorded in the history books, the god Balder is the god of light and blessings. He was a handsome man with an honest heart, so he was loved by everyone. He is responsible for keeping peace, protecting nature, animals, plants and people.
3.3. Death of Balder
God Balder died due to being harmed by Loki tricked the blind god to shoot him with an arrow made of mistletoe because the god Balder was most afraid of was mistletoe.